We are back?

Not really :D
A long time ago i decided to close ut-X.net. The reason for it was clearly simple. ut-X.net used a highly modified version of joomla and it was impossible to update that version to a higher one. I spent a huge part of my spare time to patch many of the known security issues but after a few months it was clear, it's impossible to find and solve all these security issues. The only sensible way was to relaunch the whole project but Unreal Tournament was dead at that time.
long story short, I took ut-X.net from the internet.

And now, ut-X.net is back but not as an ordinary news-portal. I have not enough time to maintain this additional project. From time to time I will add more and more features but currently you will only find live-information about all ut-X.net gameservers.

UT 4 Beta Test-Server
